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April 8-11th, 2019

Invitation to the International Conference “Musica Practica, Musica Theoretica” n. xvi – In Search of the Composer’s Idiom: Poetics, Stylistics, and Technique. PoznaÅ„, Poland.

Paper: Emblems and Isotopies as tools to the study of idiomatic musical features.

20-24th March, 2019

Captura de pantalla 2019-02-09 a les 13.

Paper: Berlioz's King Lear: A Topical and Narratological Analysis

14-15 de febrer 2019,

Conservatori de Tortosa.

Tortosa horaris tallats.png


Conferència a ACTES, Terrassa.

Leonard Bernstein in memoriam: un músic integral. 

December, 9-15 2018.

Erasmus Exchange Visit to Zagreb, invited by Prof. Dr. Sanja Kiš Žuvela.
Grimalt raspored radionica i predavanja2


Jornades ab sentits / Esmuc 

Rolf Bäcker i jo hem organitzat unes primeres Jornades ab sentits, dedicades a la significació musical, a partir de les Trobades ab sentits, que alguns ex-estudiants interessats a seguir parlant d'aquestes qüestions havien estat organitzant, 4 anys seguits, de manera extraoficial. 
Les Jornades es poden entendre com a assaig general perquè l'Escola aculli, el 2020, el xv International Congress for Musical Signification (ICMS 15), el grup al voltant d'Eero Tarasti del qual formem part des de fa anys Rubén López Cano i jo. A més, com que el tema desperta interès general, tant entre professors i estudiants com entre músics i musicòlegs de dins i de fora de l'Escola, podria ser la 1a edició d'un seguit de Jornades, que donin visibilitat a la Signifiicació musical  i alhora a l'Esmuc, tant nacionalment com internacional.

Organised by Grabócz Márta, it was a great honour and pleasure to participate in the presentation of the French version of Prof. Floros's Der Mensch, die Liebe und die Musik (2000), that I had so eagerly read shortly after its publication.  

Prof. Damien Ehrhardt shared the stage with prof. Floros, Márta and myself. Please click on the link to my blog to see the French text I read there. 

Doctors in Performance / Vilnius

Organised by Prof. Dr. Lina NavickaitÄ—-Martinelli, the 3d edition of this exquisite conference on the convergence between performing and musicology was a great success. Many fine interpreters who enjoy adding some reflection to their performance gathered in Vilnius (Lithuania) for three days of music, experimentation, exchange, and fun. â€‹

I presented a paper on Brahms's Trio op. 8. An Interpreter's Analysis. It can be read in full extent under this page's PUBLICATIONS.



Presenting Matthias Goerne's recital with works by Pfitzner, Mahler, and R. Strauss. 

Book Presentation: Constantin Floros, L'homme, l'amour et la musique. Goethe Institut Paris.
Conferència: Hans Pfitzner, que parli la música! Schubertíada de Vilabertran.
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